
Who\'s Keeping This Alive?

who\'s keeping this alive?

the still one born by accident

a cyclone as an image in the eye

white feathers deep

as deep as dares the green coins of austere.

no enemy defined

no logic of despair dares otherwise.

as if between two candles and a heart

departed dears

mundane by the very being of 

a red and white regime

castrated in a pill-box in an alligators jaw

no straw have I to second guess

or climb the seven mouths

where rests the very reason all is still.

a poem for three voices

no plague yet defines this smiling world

no smiling mouths of cardboard, as pretty as a ship

benign but still with cancer in it\'s sails

I am all who boards the surface of a spoon.

staid or otherwise

wine bottle-lamps of valentines 

above all this

my everest a death I dare conceal.

no right has winter stare my summer down!

but summer\'s old

it has no chrome

no walrus with a ripple in it\'s spine.

a rack of ribs, 

it is all I see

this Monday of a mind

as same as any other

my mind. my rock. 

my tongue, my iron lung.

be done. be done. be done.