
Little Lamb

Little lamb

With your playful cheer in the forest

The mother, if she is to know 

The prettiest of smiles are but facades 

The little lamb 

He would have to hear his never ending requiem

A sense of impending doom is upon thee little lamb


Wolf of the night

He was the devil in disguise

For let it be known

First they listen to you

Then they pamper you

But then they trap you

His hands on the little lambs body

He is frozen

His mouth quivers

His heart cluches

The little lambs head was pounding. 

He can\'t be saved for the beast has claimed him

In the desolate room, walls of yellow

The sense of comfort was but a deception

But the eyes of the walls, they saw


The littlelamb, now in the forest alone

He feels his body tainted


You may glue a vase together

But the cracks are still present


I feel a lump in my throat

going down to my stomach. 

You may have sewn my mouth shut

But you forgot to keep my hands tied

With these hands of mine I will make art

There is no silence there is only surrender

And he will not be my linger

But what if one day I become the monster. 

To say his name, will make me nauseous. 

To remember his face one day -- will drive me to insanity and there\'ll be no clarity

But let this be known, mother

You cannot bury what is not already dead

And death is of extreme beauty