Tristan Robert Lange
The door to truth can never be opened
When one is surrounded by
deceptive doors,
Either they will stand paralyzed—
Fears frigidly freezing their legs
And seizing their hearts
Or they will walk through the portal
That leads to the outer weeping darkness
Where chattering teeth gnash.
They will either walk through damnation’s doors
While Listening through earplugs of apathy—
Deceived by perpetual privilege,
Or they will be immobilized
By uncertainty’s ubiquitous underbelly—
Locked in devastating death.
One can not walk in through truth
When they are surrounded
By the damnable doors of deception.
Cotton stuffed ears of comfort—
Will never ever find room to hear
Past one’s own fears.
They will either hear nothing at all,
Surrounded by the echoes bouncing
Off of their own osseous prison,
Or they will only hear
That with which their damaged ears
Are cushioned and stuffed.
Either they will only hear
The ill-advised, poisonous voices
Inside the deceptive doors,
Or they will hear nothing,
Stuck in solitary, sedentary stasis
In their own echo chamber.
One cannot stuff their ears
With the cotton of comforting conformity
And expect to get out alive.
There’s only one way to start walking
Toward the delightful door
Of divine utopic destination.
One will either open their ears,
Hear words that are hard to hear
But inevitably remove all fears,
Or they will stuff them shut
And open their ignorant mouths
Without hearing their own sound.
Either they will stuff those ears—
Filling them to the brim
In a styrofoam frenzy,
Or they will open them up,
Taking out any plugs
To face the truth head on.
There’s only one way to walk
Through the door of delightful, earthly
Peace and good will toward humans:
© 2024 Tristan Robert Lange. All rights reserved.