\'\' Merda deus \'\'It\'s holy name.
A light that warps time .
Artefact in the glory of day
claiming to be philosopher\'s flame
illuminating the world
begging a charity\'s word !
Sad pauper misery
at the face of poetry ...
Where its glory will sing,
but beneath the spoonerism its hides
closeted with the void,genius
master in musical fart impromptus
Where obscure ilness resides ...
Jester on the rotten rope ,sways
decaying in such of poor plays....
Merda deus !
Spirit mickey mouse...
In its haze we search
for reason\'s conclusion ,
only finding gutter\'s inspiration...
Merda deus !
Ratus ! ratus!
Alelluia !
Merdus dea ...
(Dedicated to my friend demar desu)