
Benediction on the Baptist

Tune: Est Ist Ein Ros = Lo, how a rose e\'er blooming

(\'A great and mighty wonder\')

Luke 1 v.76 - 79 [part of the \'Benedictus\']


John\'s father, Zacharias

Spoke the Benedictus

Said, You child, shall be prophet

Of the Most High God se

For you shall go before

The Lord\'s face to prepare sure

His ways, and our soul\'s cure


Give knowledge of salvation

To each, every nation

By forgiveness of sins all

To they who hear His call

Repent, or kingdom near

Kingdom of God on earth hear

Christ His Son does appear


It through the tender mercy

Of our God to us, see

Whereby the Dayspring, [the] Dawning

Brings us our bright morning

Visitation displayed

Messiah to us arrayed

From on high, Light ne\'er fade


Gives light to those in darkness

Sent to earth to us bless

And light to those in shadow

Of darkness, hope shall know

To guide our feet into

The way of peace, by faith view

He who makes all things new