Tune: Puer Nobis
(\'Unto us a boy is born\')
For Holy Innocents Day: Dec 28.
Wise men to King Herod they
Did not return that day
When they saw the young Christ-child
Abiding with mother mild
Abiding with mother mild
Then Herod, he with rage filled
Sent forth decree, he willed
To kill Bethl\'em\'s children, they
Little boys under two be
Little boys under two be
Then was fulfilled prophet\'s word
Lamentation sore heard
Jeremiah said, Israel
Would weep, mourn, for children wail
Would weep, mourn, for children wail
Comforted they would not be
Babies, toddlers gone, see
But Jesus, Joseph, Mary
In safety in Egypt be
In safety in Egypt be
Holy innocent children
Murdered by Herod\'s men
Light of Christ upon us shine
Dispel dark by rays divine
Dispel dark by rays divine