
A load of more rubbish!

It\'s more rubbish again!

Or \'Another Adventure in Cuckoo Land\'

I\'m still trying to get this artificial

Christmas tree to grow

Can\'t understand why it\'s not growing - hmmm


And Fido wants his dinner - his bones too

And KP wants her botox


Some fat beardy bloke came down our chimney

A few nights ago

He saw KP and dashed back up it again

Couldn\'t stand the sight

Of the old trout! lol.


Mark them poems 18+ in the new year

If they need to be so marked

Fido will continue to check them

Don\'t forget now

Or he\'ll bark ferociously at you!


Is the anything much worse

Than people laughing at their own jokes?

Well, we may have to

Cos no one else may laugh at \'em. Doh!


It\'s like on TV - \'New comedy coming soon\'

I reply \'Where?\'

And \'Laugh at the trailers? I never even started\'


It\'ll be a horrid new year for me again

Cos I gotta spend it with KP!