
Depression: no joke.

Text from a friend 

Saying he\'s near the end  


Would he do it?

Is he a dope?


He has four children, two boys and twin girls...



Could It be pride?


Seems kind of strange 


A call for help, attention seeking?


Seems trapped in a cage 


Nothing to live for,  he says..


Everyday, nothing to do..


Debts are mounting..


Is he saying screw you?


Hell, it\'s hundreds, not thousands, I suspect  .


His problems seem minor, it seems kind of sick-


Is he so weak he can\'t even ask?


Easier to take an overdose!


I think, what a prick.


He knows that he\'s loved...


But I do understand, the humiliation, when your beaten, and can\'t get up

Caught in the grip of depression 

Unable to function properly 

Bound in your own misery. 


Everything is against him: no job, no house, no wife, no life..


An extrovert,  giving himself a sentence of solitude   


Apathy taking residence in his brilliant mind

He has so much potential,  he\'s only sixty four

Throwing himself on the scrapheap..



\"I can\'t take it anymore.\"


I, like most, sit on the fence

Not caring to look, as friend, neighbour,  acquaintances,  struggle on

As we struggle on

Has mateship died?

It seems a pitiful shadow of its former self 


Or is it just me: I wonder



I thought about it: remember those thoughts in your head, that said no one would care; until your dead.


I survived.

I hope that he does 

Because like me

I know he is loved.