Poetic Licence

I Have a GUN ( But we can talk)

I Have a Gun (But we can talk).


I have a gun, I am off to fight, I might die.

You to have a gun, you might well survive.

We might both survive; we might both die.

Does either of us properly understand why.


Tell me do we know what we are fighting for.

Or are we following orders from the 5th floor.

Have we misunderstood the reading in a book.

Is it true what the pages told us; did we look.


Are those talks and videos on the Internet fact.

Have we together signed up to the devil’s pact.

Do the pictures on the television show the truth.

Is it right or wrong what they say about you.


Are we just following like a line of Loyal sheep.

Not able to choose what we do or freely speak.

If we could choose, would we put down the guns.

Would we both agree the truth should be shown.


If I put down my gun, will you come sit by my side.

We can talk about our feelings that we have inside.

If you put down your gun I will come sit by your side.

We can talk and listen, and then we might understand why.


Nataiella (2021)