Accidental Poet

Happy New Year to All MPS Poets


I know I’ve not been here much

Been hanging around some emotional stuff

Stuff I’ve no business talking about

You know, politics, failed dreams and such


Occasionally some words find my pen

Seems they don’t flow like they used to

My Muse and I might struggle now and then

But when push comes to pull, we see it through


It’s been a tough year

I think all will agree

With new buffoons and boss goons

The future challenging yes Siree


But a new year is now upon us

Hope, never more in hearts of gold

Love the only miracle cure

Given of free will, but never sold


 Let us all light a flame of love

Spread it all around the world

Let it spark a wildfire of compassion 

Between every boy and girl


So, with hands to shake and friends to make

To all my poet friends here

I wish you all the best in life

And may you all have a Happy New Year