
What a wonderful world

Artificial flowers are  happy

exulting eternal emptiness beauty .

The ecstatic poet  draws haikus

in enigmatic gutter  ideograms .

Inspired night -gray rats divinity

placing a vial of vodka  

and a wreath of marijuana 

 on your engraved ...

This morning ,playing the panther ,

his muse chose pink panties ,

next departure on airways love ...

Misfit street bar ,coffee machine steep

and tables empty like after life on sale .

A girl at the counter acting like Meryl Streep

with a hint of musk ,she waits for the desire bus...

Outside a black sweeps across  snow white 

with a trumpet tune on his broom...

Mapping the the morning  weather 

a musical killer rings the new school year .

The soft drinks dispenser spits out steel ice cream

that entertains grown-ups and glues to children\'s hands.

Marylin sells her charms on the miss feet street corner

and the window washer dreams on the Trump tower ...

 \'\'Ladies and lads ,tied up your reveries and shut up for ever ! 

   Death will pass with few high-flying blue flies ! \"

  Another crash in the trash of life .

  Following my ontombment ,

  I get the funny feeling of a swarm of  bombs .

 Artificial flowers are eternal .

 Armstong blows apocalyptic trumpet 

 down from the eliptic eyes of the moon...

  What a wonderful world .