Kevin Hulme

So this is Love: Revisited

So this is Love and the Rich-Vein it applies,

The Byronic Verse  and blue April skies.

All thoughts of you are maddening hectic,

Thoroughly charged like ‘Dylan’ gone electric.

For the ‘Rubicon’ is crossed and the Standard now flown,

I’m every ‘Fourth of July’ by the sentiments shown.

The 1812 Overture when the Cannons explode,

I’m the Fifth dancing Pilgrim on the Yellow Brick Road.

Running like ‘Archimedes’ down the Street in a whirl,

And ‘Crazed’ Jimmy Cagney on top of the World.

So this is Love in all it’s moods,

It’s Kaleidoscope shades and attitudes,

All ‘Ode to Joy’ in a Choral burst,

The Ale of life by which we thirst.