Kevin Hulme

So this is Love: Amen

So this is Love in her Summer dress,

All blossoms in lace and May’s finesse,

Her measured tread and Soulful Ways,

Give burnished light to darkened days.

For is blinding Love not the Magistrate of all,

Whose fetters bind our Hearts to enthral.

To give us Succour till journeys end,

To strive, to cope, and on each depend.

To ease the way through burden and strife,

A blessed charm , the balm of all life.

To help calm this sea in troubled gale,

For its better to cope under tranquil sail.

For we give unto another that which we crave in return, 

For to Love and to be Loved, is the Heaven we all yearn.

So; this is Love in its ‘Warhol’ print,

It’s striking hues and graceful tint, 

May we all find Love as ‘Helen’ once knew,

With the strength to incite War, 

By it’s reason to undo.