


It\'s in the darkened dawn,
where all the others have gone.
Waiting for us to arrive,
it\'s an atom less way to survive.

The darkened dawns view,
the hidden true,
surrounding the known,
in the darkness shown.

Reaching into an atoms womb,
in the other side of the boom.
clearing the connective spark,
returning to a dawn so dark.

For an atom to live true,
it needs a connection too,
a spark to turn it on,
taking us from our darkened dawn.

Living as a you,
the atom feeds the two.
In order to breathe,
of Humans we take heed.

To feel the feel of touch,
a Humans control we clutch.
Connected we strive,
just to feel alive.

Living a life as one of you,
still knowing what is true,
returning to the darkened dawn,
when the heartbeat is gone.