David Wakeling

My Uncle Veritas

My uncle Veritas was more like a father to me,
He always spent time with me and laughed at my jokes.
He was the wisest man that ever lived.
It was really sad when he got pancreatic cancer,
He went pale and lost his hair.
 I happened to be visiting when he was having a good day.
His wisdom will stay with me forever.
“Hey kiddo I guess it won’t be long before I cast off
this here mortal alfoil.
Let me give ya some words of wisdom before I go to that
big race track in the sky.
Never tell the truth, it hurts, Always lie ya way out of trouble.
Don’t pay for nothing when ya can steal it for free.
Always marry a dumb girl they are much more faithful
than the smart ones.
Don’t ever be keen at work. They’ll give ya more to do.
Remember the job has to be done but
it don’t have to be done good. See what I mean.
Second best is actually best.
Stay away from Doctors they always give ya bad news.
Oh yer and never bet on a sure thing. They always lose.
Anyway kiddo have a good life.I certainly did.”