My brother and I
Always fought a lot
How much I cried
He didn’t care or forgot
I hated him badly
Thinking he was the worst
But I’m realising sadly
That he was never cursed
Because at times
I really despised him
But writing these rhymes
Expressed my love within
I would have never had
Those such amazing moments
And I am extremely glad
That we made many atonements
We grew together and learnt loads
If it weren’t for him, I would be so different
After our journeys on the twisting roads
In my heart, he is forever significant
So now I’ll take him for granted
He doesn’t belong in any family but mine
He’s made my life so amazing and enchanted
My hate for him, I will try to undermine
I hope one day when we’re older
We’ll cherish each other and never forget
That we can finally be just sister and brother
As for my childhood, to him I’m in debt
My brother and I
Might have fought
But when it’s goodbye
I’ll remember what we wrought