You\'ll listen to me on this night
and please, don\'t you give me that stare.
I don\'t want you to get stage fright.
There\'s surely a large crowd out there!
You did great at the rehearsal.
You never did make one mistake.
\"Vladimir\" would be proud to see,
that you are staring in Swan Lake!
Just remember try not to \"DROOL,\"
never in the romantic scene!
Oh that would be so un-cool,
I think you know just what I mean.
Now don\'t look so sad Ralphina.
Tonight\'s gonna be your big break.
Hypnotized by those big brown eyes,
this show will be a piece of cake!
You will be the rage on this stage.
They\'ll be amazed each move you make.
And when you are finally through.
Mom will broil you a T-bone Steak! ~