Now a tribute to Doggerel Dave
Who has knighted me
As \'Sir Orchi NS\' - Non Sequitur
Cos I\'m the guy
Who sometimes leaves daft, irrelevant
Non-sequitur comments on poems
Nothing to do with the real theme of the poems at all, you understand
Just me - Sir Orchi, rambling on in \'asides\'
Not that I understand many cryptic-type poems
Though they can be open to different interpretations
So then I resort to customary
\'Good write\' or \'Fine write\'
Cos I sometimes can\'t think
Of what more too add
Well, it\'s better than saying
\'Rubbish write\' or \'I hate this poem\'!
Has anyone actually commented that to YOU?
Woof! Enough says Fido
You knew he\'d make an appearance again
He says - Never mind your mad ramblings
Take ME out for my ramble
And leave KP in my kennel
Where she belongs!
(You are horrible to her, Fido says)