Fear not my bride I think they\'re
only here for Trick or Treat.
Relax take a valium you\'re pale
as a ghosts white sheet.
A little patience don\'t get all
upset my sweet!
Now sit by yonder fireplace so
they don\'t notice you are dead.
K eep a low profile my dear and
do exactly what I said.
Everything will be OK, I\'ll see
what they want at the front door.
N ever fear I am here to protect
those \"body parts\" I so adore!
S uch an evil bunch they seem to be
and your arms they feel like ice!
T hey\'ll scare you to death and you\'ve
already died that I know of, twice.
E ach and every Halloween we go
through the same ole shit.
I know ignorance is bliss but this
harassment never seems to quit?
N ow they\'re lighting \"torches\" that\'s it;
I fear my dear, we had better SPLIT! ~