
I am still the one

I am still the one
Who prays for you
First thing in the mornings
And in my prayer I ask you
To get rid of my winter blues
I am still the one
That woke up tired today
Yes today we are having a blizzard
I am not going anywhere today
I am going now to my living room
I will turn my computer on
And due some work for my father
For a couple hours
All the poems I write are
It is interesting how it comes out
All my poems
That was written with different feelings
That comes straight from my heart
Yes I been writing poems for 30 years
I started to write poems 30 years ago
My first poems that I wrote were not that
Yes I needed to practice writing poems
Now after 30 years
My poems are better
I write about all different subjects
Also I stop writing dark poetry
Because it was very depressing for me