The strong man

Where is the strong man? Who spoils his goods?


\"By their fruits you shall know them.\"


Or at least we should.


Judge not: who is tearing down?


Where is the truth?


Is it here, on the ground?


First bind the strong man; then rifle his house: a house divided can\'t stand: it\'s the old divide and conquer; bought, buy, the precepts of man..


Who\'s right, who\'s wrong?


Does anyone understand?


I am here. I am there!


All wanting to be the bride. 


The strong man is still the strong man:

His kingdom is still intact.

No Canaanite can enter. 



That\'s a fact. 


Doesn\'t come with observation; it\'s written in our heart\'s  

Lies lay with vanity, to tear us apart.


The King judges: runs the whole show 


He wrote it in a book, incase you didn\'t know...


To judge evil 


Where is the spell?


The watchers watch the judges 


The judge judges: all\'s well.


Now what is the trouble?


Can\'t see it; hear 


Death with be swallowed 


For those without its fear.


\"Who is blind but my servant? or deaf, as the one I sent?


\"He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: He that is filthy, let him be filthy still: He that is righteous, let him be righteous still: He that is holy, let him be holy still:\"


\"And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be.\"