Hopeless/the problem

Love poem ( just read, and you\'ll see)

I sit in my room and cry

I cry from the world outside

But then I remember I have you

You don\'t hide me from you

I have never felt this way yet again

I say

But I mean it this time

I am in love and yes that may not last

But thats for me to let go and leave in the past

If I get hurt that\'s on me

But I guess we\'ll see

You want me here

You actually show me the love you say I deserve

You tell me soooooo wonderful things

But boy tell me why are you so strange

You LOVE ME?? 

How is that possible 

This isn\'t something someones showed me in a while

You tell me I\'m pretty

Beautiful and full of life

And hope someday I\'d be your wife

You say even if we break up the love will still be there

Its not like we never cared

I care bout you, you care bout me

And that\'s all I need

Thank you





You say that if we were to break up

You just want me to know I\'m enough

Im perfect, smart, pretty and kind

And even though were not together Im always in your mind

You say you wont go around saying I\'m an ugly piece of shit

Because he means what he say and always did

I know its teenage love and it may not last

But I just gotta let it all be in the past

I am in love