Tune: Hanover
(\'O worship the King\')
Psalm 33 v.1-11
Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous, for praise
Is comely, beautiful, here anthems raise
Praise the Lord with voices, and instruments play
Sing to Him a new song, whether night or day
Play skilfully with a loud noise, with art
Each one contribute, taking a full part
For the word of the Lord is right, His works all
Are done in truth, trusting Him you shall not fall
He loves righteousness and justice, the earth
is full of His goodness, give Him His worth
By the word of the Lord were the heavens made
By the breath of His mouth, creation displayed
He gathers up the waters of the sea
Lays them is storehouses, great deep be
Let all the earth fear the Lord, here stand in awe
For He spake, it was done, lasting evermore
For at His command all things do sure stand
Heathen\'s counsel brought to nought in each land
But His counsel stands for ever, He the Lord
His thoughts to all generations, true His word