It\'s the small things
That make the biggest regrets
Leave the strings
Don\'t listen to noise of scurrying rats
There goes that dream
A long night of wishing
In a world so keen
Build on missing
There are no barks
Of the foxes you miss so
Only the marks
Made on your arms to cut of that flow
Do you see the worth
\'cause I\'m not sure
Or these pains will ever be cured
Don\'t follow the lure
Care for them
Like you care for you
So keep smoking that hemp
And leave them to
It on their own
Find the room
Carved out of stone
There is that purple balloon
Do you see it in the shadow
This is what\'s it\'s like
To get rid of that fright and throw
And strike
That darkness within
It will never go away
It will keep its grin
On that twisted face it will stay
Learning to deal
Is not an option
You will become it\'s next great meal
It will sting you with its toxin
But that\'s okay
It doesn\'t matter
Because what does
When your calling for a mayday
But no one comes to the rescue
That\'s only better
If you think about it
Why would want someone like that
They will try their best to get rid
Of someone who is wrecked
Stay in this bubble
You will feel good
Eventually between this rubble
Where God once stood
Good luck
You won\'t need
You\'re stuck
Smoke some more weed
And face their greed
I\'m sorry
For the last day
No worry
I won\'t stay
Deep wells
Ringing bells
Waited to long
Listening to a sad song
No one knows
With a smile under my nose
We tried
We\'re still tied
Best forgotten
Best gobbles up
Thank you
For nothing
Thank you
For no luck
Thank you
For this peaceful end