The journey of a thousand miles.
The destination is unbeknownst.
In times where tomorrow is not promised what are you chasing?
Or perhaps yourself?
I can’t say I know for sure cause I too I’m in a race of my own.
As I observe everyone else…
Some are runners,
Others are joggers,
And others are walkers.
But I see another kind,
The seated one.
They look relaxed and unbothered.
Don’t they want to reach to their destination?
I thought that maybe they were resting but,
No, instead they’ve made that their destination…
Can’t really blame them.
Why run, jog, or even walk into the unknown…
What if you fall?
What if you fail?
What if what you find only hurts you?
Why won’t you just stay put and comfortable?
Why risk it?
Because comfort doesn’t always last…
Because comfort only imprisons you.
Because comfort delays you
Because comfort is sometimes a disguise,
So I will walk if needed be.
I will jog if needed be.
I will run instead of incarcerating myself.
I will be free from the ‘what could’ve been.’
And maybe just maybe I will find my purpose.
I can only know if I go…