
Little Life

Tune: Buckland

(\'Loving Shepherd of thy sheep\')

Psalm 39 v.4-7


Lord, make me to know my end

And throughout life to me tend

And the measure of my days

Keep within my sight always


So that I may know how frail

I am, but your strength prevail

Behold, you my days have made

Short as a hand\'s span arrayed


My age is as nought before

You who live for evermore

Truly each person at best

State is vanity professed


Surely man lives, gives vain show

As a vapour, as shadow

Surely they are disquieted

In vain, in a fragile stead


They make uproar for nothing

Gather riches, everything

But know not to whom they shall

Pass on to, they cannot tell


And now, Lord, what wait I for?

My hope is in you, \'tis sure

Mankind so small, God so great

I shall trust Him, on Him wait