I saw a figure
A women maybe
Was tall and skinny
Fragile like an icicle
Striking in her presence
The mask she wore
Was terrifyingly beautiful
As she said to me
\"Don\'t you know
you\'re my creation
imperfectly perfect\"
I stared at here
Alone this cold night
Falling to my knees
Cold stone concrete
Dug into my skin
\"Why do you hate
on what I\'ve made?\"
I look down, sorry
But then I\'m angry
I try to speak but can\'t
She reads my mind
\"I told you
It\'s all for a reason
stop ruining yourself
you\'re perfect\"
But I know I\'m not
So I let the concrete
Tear into my skin
She reaches to grab me
Swiftly and firmly
Pulling me off the ground
A tear rolls out from her mask
And she lets me down
And then she\'s gone.