I want to treat you right
I am telling you the truth
My Father
I will not mistreat you
My Father
Because I know that
You will hate that
My Father
I aIso will show my respect
To you
Because I just need to do that
For you
My Father
I am so happy that you are
My Father
And I am one of you children
I am not a teenager anymore
I am one adult now
And I am you oldest child
Also Father we have a good
Like Father and son
My Father
I will not destroy our
I will work hard to keep it
My Father
I am so happy
That I live on earth
With you other children
I still remember when I was a
I had my first communion
And I also had cried of joy
My Father
During my first communion
You thought me how to pray
And we had prayed for a
Long time
Also my Father I had
Given you
My offerings for you to use
Anywhere is needed
My Father
I have a good life
That I am living every day
AIso I have nothing to complain about my life
My Father
I am living my life to the
Fullest every single day
Here on earth
My Father
I know that I won\'t live forever
Because I will die some day
And you will send you
That will come and take
Me to heaven
Where I will rest in peace