The Moon Golden,
Blushes Like A Ballerina Rose,
WithIn The Vast MidNight Skies,
With Its Exotic Sweet Repose
Robed With Your Sweet
Luminous Beauty
Romance, Nostalgia And Sweet Love
Caresses WithIn
Your Exquisite
Radiant Being,
While Sublime VineYard Vines,
Sunflowers, Roses, And Irises,
Sway Sweetly Together Alone,
The Waves Waltz Like Jazz
To The Luminous Shore
And As She Lights
Her MidNight Candles
And Tousles The Honey
Of Her Tresses,
They Wear Her Fine Wine
Beautys Dresses
And Sigh Sweet With Our Love
With The Heavenly Stars Above
Reynaldo Casison