Reynaldo Casison

Sweet MoonLight

Moonlight Our Moonlight

The Heavenly Shore Caressing,


The Sweet Gaze Waltzing Moonlight,

The Soul Soothing Moonlight


The Moonlight Salsas

And Dreams With You,

Like A Summer Rose,

My Fine Wine Dove

WithIn The MidNight VineYard,

Of Our Love,

The Moonlight Rains Tenderly,

With The Sweet Melodies,

Of Our Love,

The Gypsy Clouds Part,

With The Moons Golden Robes,

Like Your Fine Wine Beauty Unwinds


The Honey Breeze Serenades,

The SunFlowers And Roses,

Sighs Shimmer

With The Jazz Waves

To Our Loves Luminous Shore


The Nightingales Soothe

With The Exquisite Waterfalls,

Of Moonlight,

Like Your Loving


MidNight Tresses


The Pretty Moonlight Sweetly Kisses,

The Majestic Modesties,

Of Every Flower And Iris,

SunFlowers And Lillies

Sway WithIn The Sweet Still Coves,

Of The Moonlight


The MoonLight Is Sweet 

With Its Romance And Modest Gold 

And With Its Tender Exotic Love

Caresses The Profusion

Of Your Love And Fine Wine Beauty


Sweet Bliss Waltzes

From SunFlowers To Irises,

And The Roses Blush,

With Your Fine Wine Beauty And Love

My Fine Wine Dove


The Heavenly Shore

Is Caressed


With The MoonLights

Modest And Sweet Gold,

With Exquisite Evening Stars

Our Gaze And Sweet Love To Behold

Reynaldo Casison