There\'s darkness in those wicked eyes,
that even she can not disguise.
She\'s a born killer we surmise;
push her buttons, \'tis your demise.
Guaranteed she is the Devils seed.
No conscience she\'s heartless indeed!
A psychopath the town folk say;
you see her coming, best you pray.
Cuz you just might become her prey!
She\'ll surely take your breath away.
Killed \"thirty-two\" victims it\'s said.
Each of their throats were torn and shred!
Though Ivy\'s only three feet tall;
don\'t let that throw you, a curve ball.
This fiend is not a kid at all.
She\'d certainly be your downfall.
She has a soul that\'s black as coal,
a rage that is out of control!
This warning I would not ignore,
do not approach her I implore.
Many made that mistake before.
They haven\'t been seen anymore?
If you see Ivy best you flee;
you could be, \"number thirty-three!\"~