adnan it is

Thinking thoughts

Do you know someone who thinks

a lot 

Who rest his hands and thinks his thoughts 

Who knows no bounds yet bounded he may

Gripped in chains yet unresisted they say 

He picks a thought or rather gets picked 

He scrounges its core through thin and thick.

As if the core was something or someone alive 

Some world to treck or some ocean to dive 

It would mean so much yet matter so less 

And the start and the end would be a beautiful mess 

And the mess would be meshed into a thoughtful thrive 

Where another would knock and be alive 

Yet I don\'t get what freedom it appears

What freedom is free and what of it is tears 

What sense does it have to think these threads 

These threads that weave more threads ahead 

And what of the time what of the place

Where did I reach what did I make 

And I would make of such thoughts as a bog

For that he would drown for which

this never stops!!