It is through trials and tribulations.
Through dismal, dark, dreary days.
Through existential dread and trivial trauma.
Through regretful reminiscing.
Through plenty, plenty pain.
That we become unwaveringly, unimaginably, utterly, inconceivably, irreparably, astonishingly and annoyingly grateful for the very little things we once took for granted.
Tis through everything negative imaginable that you find slivers and slices of peace in which you collect through those shitty, shitty travels that make everything better.
To be grateful in a world of chaos--to be at peace with one\'s self in where you\'re going-- should outweigh every battle that you have fought. For it is through those battles that you have learned to cherish even the littlest of good things. And that means something.
To be alive and healthy is enough for me.
I won.