Kevin Hulme

The Selfie

The Narcissistic young are the worst offenders by far,

A tilt of the head like their adored favourite Star.

The Stance now exact by the Mirror at home,

That ‘Oscar Night’ poise that is perfectly honed.

A look in the eyes, give the lips a good purse,

The ‘Glossy Mag’ look that is daily rehearsed.

A turn at the waist so the angles just right,

It’s a ritual of sorts that they daily recite,

Two-fingers of Peace and a fluff of the hair,

‘Exclamation Point’ view for the Media to share.

The Darkened Shades Off, or just keep them on,

A Testament of days when all youth has but gone.

But in my own April time, when youth flowed through the veins,

I’d be guilty as charged, for I would be the same.