Poetic Licence

Is Our Children`s Future On a Knife Edge

Is Our Children’s Future on a Knife Edge.


What is the reason for a rapid decline in our once safe nation.

Where being innocent and young is no longer a chosen option.

Murderous disease which is spreading through all our children.

There is no community or street now safe to walk or free live in.


What has happened to today’s children & young people\'s lives.

That compels them to always be armed with a blade or knife.

No longer any wish or desire to be part of any normal society.

Is this a community social thing or are they disturbed mentally.


Young people on our local streets committing heinous crimes.

Devoid of a conscience or fear about crossing the killing line.

Flash of a steel blade, and they repeatedly stab someone dead.

We wonder what the hell is going on in our own children’s heads.


The murder of any Human being is an horrific and heinous thing.

On the streets we live, now we have children on children killing.

We are aware some are gang related that pressure is very clear.

Thou many of our young people aren’t affected by gang pressure.


When did catching a bus become a danger to young person’s life

Strolling the 10-minute walk home from school in broad day light

How can the last day you breath be in your own school classroom

When meeting up with your pals socially in the centre of Croydon.


It’s an epidemic we are all seeing, taking hold across our nation.

Contaminating and destroying the lives of us and all our children.

Stand up media sites, parents, Society and so-called politicians.

Crack your heads together to find the urgently needed solutions.


Let\'s try and find a way to make our community streets safe again.

Where you and our children can safely walk and play with friends.

We need to find a way now, there is no time left for us to hesitate.

Remove the weapons of steel from our streets, before it is too late.


Tobani Jan 2025.