Men in uniform,
Have sold their lives,
For the safety of the society,
To watch every man\'s back.
Daily some risk their lives
in Sambisa forest,
Some mount on highways,
To safeguard travellers.
Men in khaki,
Live in trousers and skirts,
They are family members,
But detached from the society.
They mount here and there with rifles,
To safeguard lives and properties,
Though some tools in the hands
Of political gladiators.
Society without men in khaki,
Will rejoice in anarchy,
Many homes will be doomed,
Choasness will roam the streets.
Khaki men are hard,
Not by nature, but by nurture,
This hardness keeps them soft,
To carryout their duties.
When duties call,
They answer without excuses,
They surrender their lives,
For the society to live.
When they die in active service,
Their bodies are raised shoulder high,
While their families rejoice in bereavement,
Death the road of all mortals.