Fake Real Beauty.
I get talking in my local pub to a friendly woman
Somehow, I cannot help noticing all the additions.
The skin layered in this thick bright orange glow
Inches of foundation, so all the spots don’t show
Both eyebrows tattooed in a dark half-moon shape
Nails so long if you scratched your skin would great
Hair extensions that do not match her natural hair
Injected lips so if she smiled her mouth would tear
Bosoms pumped so large she would float in the sea
Fake tan covering every bit of skin that you can see
I looked on, I tried to work out what all this is about
What is she hiding, she does not want to come out.
It is clear to me; this is the way she wants to be seen
And she certainly believes she is every man’s dream
Nothing of her is genuine, I quickly offer my excuses
I leave her sitting there as she uploads more photos
Maybe one day she will realise and start to believe
its what\'s inside where you will find the real beauty.