The earth unfolds its treasures beneath our feet,
and the sky pours its blessings from above.
Yet, the hands must toil,
the heart must remain just,
and the soul must walk in the light of the lawful.
The Prophet ﷺ declared,
\"Seeking lawful earnings is compulsory for every Muslim,\"
for wealth is not merely silver and gold,
but the bread earned with dignity,
the water drawn without deception,
the home built upon the foundations of truth.
Imam Sadiq (AS) warns,
\"Never give up striving for lawful livelihood,
as it reinforces your faith.\"
For how can prayer be sincere
when the stomach is filled with what is tainted?
How can the heart be pure
when the means of survival are corrupt?
The Qur’an proclaims:
\"Eat of what is lawful and good on the earth,
and do not follow the footsteps of Satan.\" (2:168)
For the hands that deceive,
the tongues that twist words for gain,
the hearts that justify the unjust,
they are led astray by whispers in the marketplace.
Rumi reminds us,
\"Do not seek livelihood with worry,
for provision is written,
but do not sit idle,
for the birds still leave their nests to find their sustenance.\"
Thus, between faith and effort,
between trust and action,
we find the balance of a righteous life.
Lao Tzu muses,
\"He who hoards little yet is content,
owns the riches of the world.\"
For what is wealth if it robs the soul?
What is profit if it weighs heavier than peace?
Better a crust of bread earned in honesty
than a feast tainted by falsehood.
From the fields of labor to the halls of commerce,
from the plow that breaks the earth
to the pen that inscribes contracts,
let the hands remain clean,
let the heart remain upright,
let the striving remain sacred.
For every lawful coin is a prayer,
every honest wage a testimony,
every morsel earned in truth
a step closer to the Divine.