David Wakeling

Australia, diamond, Australia,

Australia, diamond, Australia,
Gold and Silver paraphernalia.
This isle at the heart of the Pirate’s chart.
Where all life had its primordial start.
This divine mandate is beyond measure.
Continent of the uncounted treasure.
Golden island of the fulfilled promise.
That now is a beckoning to the wise,
Blessed by the saints that hasten to anoint,
This promised land that will not disappoint.
The first creatures to leave the ocean deep,
Breathed air and found a gentle place to sleep. 
Born here to make of life a paradise,
And somehow fit between fire and ice.
The first continent, Eden and heaven,

A timeless Land of divine ascension,                       
That would manifest the heavenly wish, 
A mud crib filled first with worms and lung fish,
Macropod creatures that bound on two legs,
Others suckle their young and yet lay
I am humbled by the dust in my eye,
This is the stuff of braver men than I,
Abandoned souls left on the Devil’s Isle.
Yet lived here and faced the storm with a smile.
Convicts fighting ancient and sullied gods,
Who survived and blossomed, against all odds.
Some hopes rise as unexpected merits,
To souls adrift with only the parrots,
Harsh places have forced men to deploy,
Making this state a blessed realm of joy,
Our future, our home, our Australia.
Never crippled by the curse of failure.