Cheeky Missy
The Latest From the Last Frontier?
Don\'t Mind Me, But It\'s True
Despite the bitter temps, tis Spring\'s eye hence
Upon these frozen \'scapes which calls t\'avail
Lilt oer in merry notes, til aught detail
Swears it is but a cold change, no pretense,
Snow lying unmelted but in wee piles dense
With hope\'s import, buds on bare limbs th\'exhale
Toys with in reckless fashion as wont, hale
Yet fragile, with sheer life \'non bursting thence.
If I\'m beleaguered like the vista, poor
Though aught excuse, how dale and lea renew
Their aspect, merely waiting fresh growth fer
Affect, the bitter air but teasing, to
Effect \'neath heavns whose light winks as it were,
Full with the note of Spring which\'d ver\'ly woo.
Who Could Have Guessed, Eh?
Craft shortbread [fin\'lly!] not for hol\'days, frail
Though aught \'scuse, but likeas a staple hence
For Barry\'s--like mine Sco\'ish her\'tage thence
Proves needful is\'t? \"can\'t have sans tea,\" I\'d fail
At oer the years and hol\'day; now t\'avail
Me\'s nigh perfection, seems; and like defense
For aught my fathers knew, from porridge dense
With comfort, to this fav\'rite tea tops: bail.
I never realized such a simple, pure
\'Loved, seas\'nal \"cookie\" had so much, like to
Effect all of my Sco\'ish her\'tage\'d stir
By way of sheer tradition, yet tis true.
Perhaps I\'ve stumbled on the way home, poor
As not e\'en looking is\'t? LORD, I wait You.
So there.
Monday \'Fore Yes, Groundhog Day
Oh tender dawn! No cal\'ndar proves the sense
Which now pervades as Spring lo, dances, frail
As aught excuse ere Feb\'ry, like\'d avail
On schedule, songs from ev\'ry bush to fence
The charming thought where buds swear leaves fr\'intents
Shall not be long in coming to detail
All naked limbs as winds tease, where th\'exhale,
Though chilly, whispers through the firs of whence.
I canna help but smile as joys bestir
On ev\'ry side to cheer the worn \'scapes through
These hours, where how the light winks, as it were,
With promises in tow \'neath skies so blue
We can\'t but feel within our blood in tour
That life renews its lease. LORD, we praise You.