Tune: Rivaulx
(\'Father of heaven, whose love profound\')
Ephesians 5 v.14-20
Awake, you sleepers, rise from dead
Christ over you His light has shed
See then that you live diligent
Redeeming the time God has sent
Because the days are evil, short
Guard against traps, you may be caught
So be you not unwise, be this
Understanding what God\'s will is
Be not drunk with wine, wherein be
Excess and dissipation free
But be filled with the Spirit sure
Attuned unto serving Him pure
Speaking to yourselves in psalms, hymns
And spiritual songs, ne\'er dims
The flame of praise rising from hearts
From whence Christ\'s presence ne\'er departs
Sing and make melody unto
The Lord, giving thanks to Him true
Always for all things, to God He
And Christ His Son blessed ever be