
Her First Super Bowl


She asked, \"Do they play in the rain?\"

Her eyes wide with genuine wonder,

I chuckled, \"Yes, they don’t pause.\"


Pointing, \"Is that their uniform?\"

With a smile, \"Yes, that’s their pride.\"

She stared, \"Who paints their faces?\"


Amused, I said, \"That’s for spirit.\"

\"Why so many whistles and flags?\"

\"Rules,\" I answered. \"They guide play.\"


\"Are they all famous?\" she pondered,

\"Most are,\" I said. \"Heroes here.\"

She leaned in, \"What’s a first down?\"


Explained, \"It’s moving ahead,\"

She sighed, \"So many things,\"

I nodded, \"You\'ll catch on.\"


\"Why’s everyone so rowdy?\" she asked,

\"Passion, it heats the winter’s cold.\"

She paused, \"Like us?\" A nod. \"Yes, like us.\"