You\'re not the only one-
You\'re not the only one suffering inside
You\'re not the only one who can\'t sleep at night
You\'re not the only one who gets to think, \"Why? Why God? Why this life?\"
You\'re not the only one. It\'s best you get that whilst alive.
You\'re not the only one imagining lush lives of others
You\'re not the only \'only child\' - \"Look I have no brothers, no sisters!\"
You\'re not the only one with fears
You\'re not the only one. But you\'ll always think it, for one reason or \'nother.
You\'re not the only one poor at heart
You\'re not the only one playing a dead\'s part
You\'re not the only one fighting to be called a work of art
You\'re not the only one. You just got off to a bad start.
You\'re not the only one who creates a fake future
You\'re not the only one realising it\'s torture
You\'re not the only native, yet foreigner
You\'re not the only one, nor were.