I floated on the surface of great cities,
watching come and go
the many diversities.
Joyful I am to witness
these days of calm weather,
yet still stormy nights.
The rain that pours—I am grateful,
as they cover my rare but teary eyes.
I floated on the surface of great cities,
blue and milky white.
Tender hands that brushed along
also seldom lavished in mine.
The chimneys of smoke and laughter,
when they boomed and played away,
I\'d sing myself a happy song,
one that claimed my name.
I floated on the surface of great cities,
leisure and excitement plummeting
under stations of immaculate height,
under forests of great density
at every turning light.
With fire, sometimes water thrown at
objects of insolence,
subjugated to persistence.
I floated on the surface of great cities,
brilliantly tried.
I found love in its midst,
I found heaven on the side.
My experience withstood
the judgments of holy sights.
My imagination would not stop;
it galloped with pride.