Kevin Hulme

Kate Winslet

So there I was, or so I thought alone,

Enjoying all the sum of Nature’s best.

Just up ahead a wave of voices rise, Four ladies gave the bland Sun no warning .

Then Auburn in the middle turned around,

And so it was my friend , a face it was:

Smile could break a Heart, Eyes Heaven  to see.

Then I was reminded of another,

Yes, same face, same hair, full picture Amen.

Searching through the vast clutter of the mind,

She looks like? But who like?

Then waiting for the old  Penny to drop.

Was she on a Liner upon the Sea?

Or a fair Dress Maker of Haute Couture?

And ‘What if’ a song keeps on to haunting.

Smile could break a Heart, Eyes Heaven to see.

It’s there, but hiding around the corner,

In time I’ll grasp it, an Actress I’m sure.

Stands holding Court with the friends near by,

Marianne Dashwood If ever I saw.

Presence stands out like ‘Titian’ among the daubs and splash of Moderns outrageous School.

Smile could break a Heart, Eyes Heaven to see.

Auburn walks away down the dabbled-Path,

Retreating like a Childhood Memory.

Soon She has gone and I’m feeling the loss,

And still wondering where I’ve seen her twin.

Smile could break a Heart, Eyes Heaven to see.