
The Train to North Durham

The Train to North Durham

I rode a stolen train from rainy east to cloudy west,

Wearing a purple blazer, it was my very best.

I met a girl who’s smile beckoned men to kill,

With just one look from her bright green eyes and yellow golden will.

She sat with legs both crossed, her feet and socks unmatched,

My goodness lord, she was the perfect life long catch.

Her lips of cherry red, and pinkish pale skin,

Brought my beating heart and mindful lusts to sin.

We rode the rocking car, taking us away so far.

From everything that’s real.

My heart now beating only her it could now feel.

To new beginnings and a brand new day.

I hoped this moment would forever last and always with me stay.

The old men sauntered, drinking whiskey dry at the bumping, bouncing bar,

Her heart I thought to steal, I wanted her undressing in that travelling fast train car.

She glanced upon my face sincere, with the brilliance of a thousand stars,

Her time I wanted to procure, her body and her reddish hair like moons of Jupiter and mars.

At last my nerve was set, I sat beside her and I said, “my love how beautiful you are”.

She smiled and winked so lovely and so nonchalant. My mind was only on the prideful wanting, hopeful hunt.

And countless braids of hair so red and smooth like silver. Alas she stood and walked away. I sat alone like a heavy stone sinking in the river.

Our stop at last, my heart it slowed, gone she was as quickly as we met.

How unfortunately unfortunate her love I could not get. I have never laid my eyes on her lovely countenance again.

I never saw her on any other road, I only was a blinded love sick man.

Who was this girl that stole my heart on the train to north Durham.