King-consort Amor Hari Seldon of Spain, GAF/61SX (USAF)

Sire Day of Saint Valentine

Lord Christ was crucified to validate our love,

Sets aside many challenges and rules of life above.

Saint, Saint O Valentine, attach birds and the roses; 

were persecuted then to affirm our marriages. 

Saint Valentine Martyr, became our liven, 

Children of God, now living in our home heaven. 

You blessed a dome in love and marriages, 

Ministered words of God, in people\'s hearts and churches. 

Lord’s promise play of life is found secured ever, 

No more cry, pain, or death for the sake of love ever. 


Authoritarian Priest Valentine, Saint of Rome, in Roman Empire,

Patronized microcredentials to fervent desires, as Corinthians Sire. 

and Spirit of the then social institutions in God favour’s» 

Sealed the desires of love of humans in marriages—

by empowering over ownself through a battle he plowed,

To have us living love as Christ avowed.


We pay tributes to commemorating martyres of the world, 

Valentine’s statue stands at Saint Anton’s Church of Madrid. 

Madrid! Spanish community quarter, capital and the city—

home of Premier Pedro Sánchez and Saint Isabel D’Ayuso’s nativity.

They are blessed with all witnesses to the valentivities of Spain; 

Acts of Catholic monarch’s worldwide Queen: 

Queen Mrs Corazón Leonor Seldon,

and Queen-coexis Mrs Ledizia Sofía Seldon. 

As well my all Queen of Romans: Leonor, Sofía, 

Ivy the Mars, Angel Natty and Fellow Natalia, 

also Maria, Elechka, Avo the Knowl, Isra, Ketrin,

Kristina, Julia, Avemaria, Selesta petrean, 

Aleyna, Oksi, Anastasia, Anoli and Katrin; 

I’ve ordained each Queen as Knight of Valentine.

Blessed be your names in Saint Valentine\'s Key phrases, 

Minister Valentine may sit alongside King Christ in our love and marriages.


Queens of Romans were ordained Knights of Valentine on the day, 

So, you may favor them a tribute to pay. 

They, a Knight may live in yours heart alongside your loved ones. 

Men live in love, humans live in hearts, 

—Cost of love

—the loves 

—and your love 


Lord Christ went to the way, 

Saint Valentine also gone on the way, 

Holy words may delight us, 

growing with wisdom, 

wish of God our Lord, 

Heavenly Father in Son, 

Holy Spirit of everything with— 

Purifies our livelihood, 

by fighting against devilism 

of all form; 

darkness, ignorance and barbarism. 

We built romancing life, thus— 

our living on the earth. 

Spanish Kingdom, Principle of Foundation:

King Sixth Felipe de Borbón and Queen Letizia the One.

Protector angel, Queen and the King, highest guardian. 


Longlive, Day of Valentine, 

Roadside, Stairs of Milkyway, 

Queens, Tributes of Pay, 

God Save the Queens,

Queen Leonor II of Spain, 

and— Seldon, King-consort of Spain.