The seas are free
Free of angry men,
Waves that roll in
And wash back again;
Salty home unlived in
No-ones safe abode,
But calling out to you
To leave the dusty road.
O, I had to go
Had to leave the dry land,
Had to leave the beaches
And their gritty sands;
The ocean has no cares
Only driftwood souls,
No stinging words
That burn like coals;
Only the roar over the pebbles
The crashing on eroded stone
The gales shrieking and a-howling
That wither skin and bone;
Who placed the seas on earth
These cauldrons of douse and dread?
From their boiling scalps
To their tangled beds;
O, I had to go
Had to leave the dry land
Had to leave the beaches
And their gritty sands.