
Little fairy

The little fairy rests her tired wings as she sits on a flower vine ,

she’s flown across the miles to leave the pain far behind,

she’s thinks back on how she was damaged and abused,

She cry’s as she remembers how she was broken and used,

pulled every which way, left , right, up and down,

she even pondered on how to end it all and lose her crown,

But what she didn’t realize, was that she is a daughter of a mighty King,

and she was put in this place to fly even with broken wings,

she was placed on this earth to share the love of His Majesty,

she didn’t realize it until she was at her lowest tragedy,

She cried out to her King and Savior, Lord please help me,

I will follow you to the ends of the earth if you will only help me to see,

what was I made for and why am I here?

why do you love me and hold me so dear,

I am lost and alone , helpless and small,

why are you so loving and unwilling to let me fall,

then our little fairy heard a loud booming voice,

why so little faith, my little innocent one- you have a choice

you can sit here and give up or you can spread your wings and fly,

follow me now and please don’t question why,

I have a plan for you and a purpose so true,

Let me collect your tears little one , and here’s what you will do,

you will spread your wings and spread the word that is mine,

tell your story to all that will listen and leave your troubles behind ,

so that’s what our little fairy did, she spread her wings and shared her testimony  to all who would hear,

Gone was her worries and her hesitations and her fear,

sitting on her vine, she looked up with a smile,

and she said aloud- Lord I will join you soon enough , but I have a job to do and  want to wait for a while