Paul Gerard Reed
\"Say, what impels, amidst surrounding snow,
Congealed, the crocus’ flamy bud to grow?
Say, what retards, amidst the summer’s blaze,
Th’ autumnal bulb till pale, declining days ?
The God Of Seasons; whose pervading power
Controls the sun, or sheds the fleecy shower:
He bids each flower His quickening word obey;
Or to each lingering bloom enjoins delay.\"
- Gilbert White, letter from Selborne, July 3rd 1778.
The seasons change
And, as if commanded,
My thoughts rearrange
With yesterday\'s stranded;
The urge to live is strong
When Winter, dethroned,
Departs and \'ere long
Spring is once more loan\'d;
Daylight stretches out it\'s arms
To the nesting thrush
Over hilly farms,
In prickly bush;
Cooled, the dewy green
Under morning\'s misty sigh
But, rushing past, unseen,
Another season goes by;
Summer swelters and sweats
Raising it\'s stakes
\'Till Autumn settles it\'s bets
Shading slopes, shadowing lakes;
Before Winter returns
Our dark and lonely friend
The door shuts, the fire burns
Another year to end.